In English - Follow the arrow: tour and stone-cutting workshop


Take a guided tour in English, then learn about stone carving at Saint-Denis Cathedral Basilica!

Atelier taille de pierre à la basilique cathédrale Saint-Denis
  • September 9, September 23, October 7, October 14, October 15, October 28 at 3.30pm

    See details of dates and times opposite

  • Adults: €18
    Partnership rate (Pass Grand Paris Nord, Passion Monuments, Friends of the Louvre, etc.): €15
    Children (under 18 and in the social field): €10

  • Ages 6 and up

  • Purchase online


Enjoy a unique experience with two highlights:

A lecture tour in English of the Cathedral Basilica of Saint-Denis (1h):
The Cathedral Basilica of Saint-Denis is a key monument in European history, and a place of memory for monarchical France. As the founder of the Gothic movement, discover its architectural specificities and the history of France in images, illustrated by over seventy sculpted tombs from the 12th to 16th centuries, set in a colorful setting of light!

An introductory stone carving workshop (1h30):
Carve your own sculpture and take it home with you!

Dates and times

Basilica tour in English: 3:30 pm - 4:30 pm
Stone carving workshop: 4:30 pm - 6 pm


  • September 9th
  • September 23rd
  • October 7th
  • October 14th
  • October 15th
  • October 28th

Practical information

The tools needed to create the sculpture will be provided on site.
Please bring dust-proof clothing and a bag to carry your work.

The reassembly project

In 1847, the facade of Saint-Denis cathedral basilica was stripped of its north bell tower and spire. Viollet-le-Duc had them dismantled after violent storms had weakened them.

These two elements will now be reassembled! The project is led by the association Suivez la flèche, in collaboration with the Centre des monuments nationaux.

Want to find out more about the history of the Basilica of Saint-Denis? Visit the Discover section!

In pictures